22/11/1 16:56

RPG Singleplay God of War Ragnarök God of War ActionAdventur

God of War Ragnarök: The developer teams announced prerelease spoiler attention for SNS.

God of War  Ragnarök: The developer teams announced prerelease spoiler attention for SNS.

The latest in the God of War series will [God of War Ragnarök] on release on November 9. Santa Monica Studios warned users of the spoiler's attention from SNS. God of War Ragnarök launch day is November 9, However, before 2weeks uploaded to leaks early from SNS. Official accounts say strongly advised related to [god of war] muting on the hush tag and keywords between launch day. How happened to leaks early? The retail company had launched before to 2weeks. The Player bought the god of war from this Retail Company played, and uploading it to SNS is said to be the cause.

Unlike hacking, etc, it appears that the leak was not malicious and went out because the player had a fun first!

If you want to avoid spoilers, you might want to consider refraining from SNS and Youtube until the release.

 This image reference from Santa Monica Studio Official Twitter account

This image is a reference from the Santa Monica Studio Official Twitter account.

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