22/8/25 12:45

Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 IndieGame

SniperGhost Warrior Contracts 2, the game that offers a realistic sniping experience of up to 1.5 km.

SniperGhost Warrior Contracts 2, the game that offers a realistic sniping experience of up to 1.5 km.

これはSniperGhost Warrior Contracts 2 最大1.5kmのリアリティな狙撃を体験できるゲームの英語版です。日本語で読みたい場合はこちらにアクセス

It is stealth shooting games. Assassin Raven is infiltrate to nation that is about to start a war, Assassinate important person protect world economic from war.

The biggest feature of the game is can play realty sniping. In other FPS Games sniper is snipe conforming with reticle and declination, However in this game must thought plus wind direction.

For example this image is snipe for “sws-10” from Battle Field 2042. In this game snipe need think for reticle ,ballistic fall and deviation.

On the other hand Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 depicted ballistic fall is curve line. There is wind in this game, and more effected bullet so need to think wind direction.

I was surprised, It doesn’t feeling to wind, however it can expression in game.

Degree of difficulty

If you feels to it is very difficult however it selected easy mode, On the lowest difficulty level, an orange marker (a.k.a. red help marker) is displayed at the point of impact by default. This will turn red where you know it will hit an enemy. If a bullet grazes in front of enemy, enemy is forgivable as a matter of imaginary, so even beginners can enjoy the game.


When bullet was a definite hits for enemy , some times hit where a dynamic presentation looks like sniper elite.So if you don't like enemy head popping off, I don't recommend playing this game!

It is currently available on STEAM,PS4,PS5platforms and is on sale regularly, so please buy it when you see it.

Also, on the right side of this later, you will see videos of people playing the game, as well as related articles. You can post videos of you playing on this site, so if you want to spread the word, you can log in at the top right of the screen and post your videos.

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